Billboards around Rwanda promote the government's zero tolerance of corruption.

Rwanda: Corruption will not be tolerated

Rwanda has been the most successful country in East Africa in stamping out the graft culture, but is it at the cost of freedom?

Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.

Recommended this Week #1

Delhi gang-rape accused were tortured by police, lawyer claims [The Guardian »] The lawyer claims all six men had been beaten and sexually assaulted; now experts are saying their statements can’t be used as evidence. Invigorated Customs Union Presents Russia’s Neighbors With Read on! →

Jean-Marie Runiga Lugerero, the president of the M23 Movement, at the press conference in Bunagana yesterday [authors own]

DRC: Peace talks with rebels resumed

Negotiations between the M23 rebels and the Kinshasa government have resumed today, after they were suspended over Christmas.

The East African Community is in the process of planning a monetary union

East African Monetary Union: An impossible project?

The East African Community (EAC) has failed to meet its 2012 target of agreeing on the formation of a monetary union.